
A primary question to consider when pondering the threat of misinformation and the affect that it can have on individuals, society as a whole, and government overall is who and what are best served by the misinformation? There are many, many questions to consider and several will be considered but generally speaking, the majority of people are simply too lazy to seek the truth. This is a general statement is is of course, not true of all people as there are those who eagerly and blindly accept whatever is presented so long as it serves to satisfy the approved “Groupthink” of the moment. Those who eagerly, willingly, and unquestionably accept misinformation are those who have been thoroughly conditioned, indoctrinated, mind numbed into being unthinking tools of the Left. Misinformation best serves those who consume or promote specific ideologies, worldviews, or agendas such as Leftists, Progressives, Liberals, or whatever the accepted label of the moment may be.

To be effective, misinformation must first be manipulated and packaged into something which will strike a chord with trigger point of the day. This is accomplished via a trigger mechanism which serves to evoke an intense reaction which is usually negative in someone or a targeted group of individuals. Using triggers or “Triggering” intentionally is a great way of controlling and manipulating highly charged emotional responses in sometimes very large groups of individuals. Triggers do not necessarily have to be accurate, logical, or even truthful to garner the desired affect and outcome. Mainstream Media routinely utilize triggers to promote, usually Leftists agenda items which are presented as factual and credible news items.

In far too many cases, too little attention is paid to the veracity of sources used for what is presented by the Mainstream Media. When control and ownership of the few corporations which comprise American Media fall into the hands of too few individuals the ability to inject the biases of the Owners becomes easy resulting in a loss of objectivity. Narratives are then driven by specific agendas which are approved by the heads of the few corporations. The approved “Groupthink” of the elites is then disseminated to like minded controlling all forms of media. Approved “Groupthink” is carefully crafted first by elite Leftists academics throughout college and Universities, then parroted by Political operatives, and finally disseminated to the Left’s eager servants in Media. From the newsroom, social media, to deep state ideologues entrenched in unelected government agencies, the spread of misinformation is one of gargantuan dimensions and is all encompassing of the like minded lemmings.

Misinformation is simply not some vague threat or passing fad but rather a deliberate, widespread, delusional worldview. Misinformation does not and can not conform to civil or traditional mechanisms such as reasonable discourse or even spirited debate but instead relies on new tyrannical tools such as “Cancel Culture” for its success. Dissenting views and belief systems were systematically throttled back, choked out, or completely silenced while those attempting to share opposing views were routinely harassed, threatened, and cancelled. Contrary beliefs or views opposing such things as COVID were met with an all out assault of misinformation of unverified facts, misguided rhetoric, and wild and unsubstantiated claims such as those regarding vaccines and treatments. Little to no opposing views, information, or beliefs were allowed to be given outside of the approved “Groupthink”.

Truth and objectivity quickly fall victim to that which fits neatly into the desired narrative promoting the delusional agenda of the Left. Emotion based ideology rules their elitist dreams of vacuous concepts such as “Fairness”. The fallacy of “Fairness” for a minute faction of the populace in the transgender community is then used to beat into submission the majority of those outside of that extremely tiny group by force of the bully-pulpit and attack dog “Talking Heads”. The goal of course is to indoctrinate children as young as Kindergarten age. Incapable of promoting such perverse and debased curricula to society at large, the Left has no qualms about utilizing force to achieve their desired goals. As part of the process of forcing undesirable agendas on a compliant populace, “the ends justify the means” mentally is readily adopted. All if fair and nothing is off the table for gaining control and compliance.

Misinformation is a highly effective tool of the political Left as witnessed by the last several election cycles. Credible facts and information regarding one political party or individuals of that party were routinely hidden, deleted, or misrepresented despite irrefutable evidence to the contrary. One party sought to win the election and was more than willing to do whatever necessary to accomplish this task. To do so meant using whatever means necessary even those which were untruthful, unethical, or just plain corrupt. Seeking absolute control over every aspect of our lives and wielding such incredible power to do so while enriching themselves beyond belief became the driving force and nothing else mattered.

Misinformation and propaganda became highly effective tools and were routinely used by such entities and regimes as the Nazis, Soviet Russia, and Communist China just to name a few. The American theorist, Edward Bernays developed the strategy and mechanisms which proved to be effective in controlling large segments of the populace into such activities as buying and using tobacco products. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi politician later successfully used propaganda and misinformation to literally steer the beliefs of the German people during WWII into accepting Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. Other Tyrants throughout history have used misinformation and propaganda to enslave literally millions of people worldwide.

Misinformation and those who would eagerly use it for nefarious and evil purposes must not be tolerated at any level. The Ronald Reagan phrase, “Trust but verify” must be used by anyone who prefers truth over falsehoods. Seek the truth in all things and do not blindly accept whatever willing pawns in the Media who eagerly support Leftists agendas say about anything. Logic, fact, and empirical evidence must be relied on over emotionally charged rhetoric. Misinformation is one of the largest threats to free thinking and freedom in existence and must be defeated everywhere it exists.






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