Michael D. Bonsall Sr.

  • Misinformation

    A primary question to consider when pondering the threat of misinformation and the affect that it can have on individuals, society as a whole, and government overall is who and what are best served by the misinformation? There are many, many questions to consider and several will be considered but generally speaking, the majority of…

  • If Left Succeeds

    If the “Left” succeeds with implementing their agenda and implementing the changes they vocally desire, how will that impact America? Listening to so called journalist and reporters describe America is would seem more appropriate coming from our greatest enemies. Facts and proof are summarily dismissed as depictions of America quickly devolve into emotional rants about…

  • Intentional?

    Whether intentional or by pure incompetence, what is happening in America is evil. Society is evil and there is not doubt about who is in charge of secular society. I am going to trust in Jesus but prepare for a bumpy and uncomfortable ride. We need Jesus more than ever before in history. #AJesusKnight

  • A Truth

    It is disgusting hearing about “My reality” and the “New Normal” and ridiculous and insane ideas proffered by radical imbeciles. the Bible can straighten it out easily, good is good and evil and is evil. Truth or lies, black or white, and male and female. Trust truths from God over man’s perceptions and ideas. Jesus…

  • Truth

    Today, it is so difficult to know what is true and what isn’t. Who can we trust, the media, the government, politicians, man? Secular Humanists would certainly say yes. Putting your faith in Jesus and trusting the absolutes of right and wrong are a much better option. Jesus removes all doubt of what is right…

  • Jesus will …

    Jesus …. overcomes addiction, fixes broken marriages, heals broken people, and gives us a path to Heaven. Jesus saves, heals, repairs, does amazing miracles but most of all, Jesus loves unconditionally. If you don’t know this warm, all encompassing love and joy, reach out to Jesus now. I would love to help you. #AJesusKnight

  • Christian Friends

    Having Godly friends can bring about change. You might experience symptoms of happiness, joy, and peace. Godly friends can influence you by inviting you to church, helping you get to know Jesus, and putting your life on a path of everlasting joy in the presence of the Lord. Yep, your life might turn around completely.…

  • Daily Blessings

    Man struggles, fails, falls down and wallows in pity and fear. Jesus reaches down, take’s us by the hand, pulls us up and loves us unconditionally. Despite our flaws, filth, or sin, Jesus loves us unconditionally and wants to have a loving relationship with us. Take the hand of Jesus and turn your life around…

  • Jesus!

    I can not stop praising and worshipping Jesus. My life was going down the drain and everything I tried to do blew up and failed miserably. It was not until I truly surrendered to Jesus in 2000 in Pensacola, Florida and my friend, Derek Childress led me to Jesus, that my life truly took on…

  • Welcome to Bonsall

    Here you will learn a little about me and my family. Serving Jesus is the focus of my life. I will be blogging and posting often. Visit often as changes and blog posts will be added and changing. Thanks for stopping by, see you again soon.

Mike’s Projects and Activities

Christian, Conservative, Patriot

Michael & Catherine Bonsall
My passion is teaching about the founding of our incredible and amazing America. Teaching about our Constitution using a variety of curriculum such as Institute On The Constitution.

Serving Jesus is the primary focus of my life.