If Left Succeeds

If the “Left” succeeds with implementing their agenda and implementing the changes they vocally desire, how will that impact America? Listening to so called journalist and reporters describe America is would seem more appropriate coming from our greatest enemies. Facts and proof are summarily dismissed as depictions of America quickly devolve into emotional rants about the evils of American Racism, Homophobia, and Tyranny. Never-mind the fact that providing proof of these wildly unsubstantiated claims is impossible or that their broad brush, stereotypical descriptions are completely untrue and inaccurate, just believe the virtue signaling because we, the Left, are the chosen purveyors of all that is good and right in the world.

To understand the Left and their agenda requires a basic understanding of history, including world history, with emphasis on European transitions through being Capitalistic to their current Socialistic forms of government. Some lean more Marxist to outright Communist. Consider the CCP in China which enriches the nation not through their rigid and brutal form of Communism but rather through their Capitalistic manufacture and sale of durable goods. This brings us to understanding how could this be accomplished on such a large scale considering the massive population of China overall? The answer is indoctrination and propaganda. American propagandist, Edward Bernays developed the model adapted and widely used by Joseph Goebbels during World War II in Nazi Germany. Propaganda was discovered to be a highly successful tool in stirring up emotional responses in large numbers of people despite the information portrayed being inaccurate or all out wrong. Adding propaganda to a specific, concise agenda in the public school system has proven to churn out, large numbers of students who are less likely to question authority, possess a radical worldview, and demonstrate little to no desire to be self sufficient or think for themselves but rather opting to march to the drumbeat of their chosen leader of the moment who is the loudest and most vocal at any given point. Most recent examples can clearly be demonstrated by observing massive groups of young people who support Hamas in the Middle East and Palestine, shouting, marching, and clashing with police while calling for cease fire between Hamas and Israel. Despite the fact that it was Hamas who, brutally attacked Israel on October 7, 2023 killing over 12,000 people and kidnapping several hundred including American citizens. And yet, being completely uninformed about any details or facts regarding this unwarranted, brutal assault, huge groups of people around the world fill the streets angrily shouting, spewing hatred, and calling for the end of the nation of Israel. This is a prime example of being undereducated, being propagandized and radicalized through the miseducation in our Public School System in America and being driven by the rampant anti-semitism which is so prevalent in America Media and Government.

The agenda of hardline Leftists controlling the education system in America have redefined education into something unrecognizable. Every year beginning earlier and earlier with younger and younger students, the Left begins the process of indoctrination and promotion of their agenda evidenced by Public Libraries holding such exercises as “Drag Queen Story Time” with children as young as kindergarten. This is little more than an outright travesty and should be properly labeled as wanton child abuse. Colleges and Universities are little more than radical breeding grounds churning out graduating class after graduating class of extremely radical, Neo Marxists, who eagerly gather in out of control mobs to shout down any opposition or dissenting voices, burn what they disagree with, or to assault law enforcement officers who dare to restore peace while attempting to quell the escalating violence so readily perpetrated on civil society by these radical thugs.

Sadly, most have not even been given a quality education steeped in Science, Math, or unrevised History as these pure sciences have fallen to the wayside and scrap heap of history in lieu of the seemingly more important education requirements of social activism, transgenderism, and inclusivity all while lurching ever further left in their ideology. The all out contempt and hatred of America as it was founded and built over the last nearly two hundred and fifty years is shocking as the left openly embraces all manner of failed ideologies and fantasies. After all, they think themselves to be more educated and enlightened than any other in history and just because Lenin and Marx failed in successfully implementing their failed political ideology doesn’t mean the the leaders of the American Left won’t be successful. At least, this is what they seem to truly believe, or so they say.

The all out assault on “Free Speech” from the American Left has been horrifying to watch. What has taken place on Social Media platforms with censorship, blocking of truth and fact, and the willing participation in “Cancel Culture” has been nearly terrifying. Even those approaching graduation from some of America’s most prestigious Universities and Colleges are completely incapable of even the most modest bit of civil debate and routinely devolve into childish name calling and verbal attack reminiscent of what would more accurately be witnessed in a Daycare facility with toddlers. American pays inordinate amounts of tuition and education costs to have their children turned into something more unrecognizable, radical, and aggressive. Having their children return home to inform their parents how utterly wrong their lives are and how everything moral, civil, and traditional is actually evil because it abides by Christian or Biblical definitions of sin and evil. How we are not accepting and inclusive of alternate lifestyles or secular worldviews and therefore the entire system must be destroyed and rebuilt into something more closely resembling the Left’s vision of the a Socialist/ Marxist/Communist world. This simply means that everyone would be forced into a more non dissenting existence relying on whatever scraps are thrown our way by our benevolent dictators and tyrants who will of course, control every aspect of our lives. Free and fair elections will become a thing of the past because the Left are more educated and virtuous simply because they think themselves to be so.

In less than four years, under radical, far left leadership, American decline is both undeniable and horrifying. Our national sovereignty has been overthrown with an “Open Border” policy resulting in nearly eight million illegal immigrants flooding the streets of America from coast to coast. People from nearly one hundred and sixty five different countries from around the world, including those who seek nothing less than our all out destruction and demise. Untold numbers of “Got-a-ways” or person who did not encounter Border Patrol simply walked into America and were free to go where they will with unknown intentions. Crime has plunged cities into facsimiles of once peaceful thriving areas into lawless, crime ridden shadows more closely resembling the American “Old West”. Radical Leftist Prosecutors openly refuse to enforce established laws or punish those responsible for murders, assaults, car jackings, and such while defunding law enforcement and implementing insane policies such as “No Bail” resulting in criminals being charged but then immediately released back to the streets within hours of the original crime that they committed. The economy has gone from that which was growing and prospering and people were thriving to one which is overburdened by inflation and out of control spending. Affording groceries has become a challenge facing us all while gas prices continue to soar to nearly unaffordable levels when not artificially lowered by the depletion of our Petroleum Oil reserves. As we approach Winter, the cost of heating our homes could become nearly impossible for too many living in the coldest areas of the country. America has gone from being energy independent to being completely dependent on our staunchest enemies for our oil. Enriching those such as Iran who freely call for the destruction of Israel (The small Satan) and America (The Great Satan). Despite having more oil deposits in America than anywhere else in the world, wrong headed climate alarmists restrict any and all attempts to produce our own energy forcing us to seek it from our greatest enemies. In less than four short years, American decline has been thrown into overdrive by those, including our own government, who seek our destruction and overthrow. The Left hates our representative Republic and would prefer to do away with it altogether and replace it with some nightmarish form of so called democracy or worse. Under the Left, America is being transformed into something horrific and frightening with far too many willing participants who would gladly put on the shackles of oppression under a tyrannical rule while eagerly sacrificing theirs and our liberty and freedoms. The Left are comprised of those who are unwilling and incapable of dissent of any kind and will quickly and viciously attack and attempt to silence any challenge they are presented with. The Left are driven by emotion and delude themselves to believe that only they, by their self actualized virtue, are the solution to all problems facing the world. The Left despises Christian and Biblical definitions of right and wrong and prefer a more subjective, fluid construct of reality, with non absolutes defining what is truth or right and wrong. The Left can not withstand truth, fact, and empirical evidence and will ignore, distort, or bury it as quickly as possible, especially that which challenges anything within their prescribed worldview. The Left embrace that which most of us with higher levels of morality would shun as being unacceptable or sinful. And sadly, the Left have attained the highest positions in industry, media, and even government eagerly injecting their political agenda into all areas affecting our daily lives. If the Left succeeds, America could quickly vanish and be replaced with something unrecognizable and certainly undesirable to those of us who are patriotic citizens of the representative republic established by the Constitution Of The United States. Not some vague definition of what the Left seeks to impose in the form of subjects of some undefined World Government controlled by the richest, most radical people on earth. Daily life in what the Left would create to replace America would likely be so horrific as to be unimaginable by proud, traditional, patriotic Americans today. It is beyond time to pay attention, study their agendas, and resist their efforts on every front. Because their vision is so offensive as to be rejected by an informed populace, the Left would have no qualms with forcing it upon us. Weaponized government agencies will make life intolerable and they will inflict punitive policies on non compliant business or individuals with no remorse. Pray for the Left to fail on every level and for America to wake up and return to the rugged individualism and self reliance in spirit with which we were built upon.

by Michael D. Bonsall Sr.







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